- About Us
- About YOU-WB Project
- Activity
- CCIS is part of the project European Cooperation in Science & Technology COST CA16229
- CheesCult-“Cheese route as an innovative cultural heritage driving force for rural tourism development in the cross-border area”
- CONSUS Project
- Contact Us
- Coordination of the Balkan Pole for the Mediterranean Citizens Assemble – MCA/ACM
- COST Action “Intergovernmental Coordination from Local to European Governance” (IGCOORD)
- COST Action “Making Early Career Investigators’ Voices Heard for Gender Equality” (VOICES) CA20137 (2021-2025)
- Diagnosing corruption in public procurement: Auditing decision making within Public Procurement review system
- Erasmus + CBY WB Social rights in my hands
- ERASMUS+ “University to Society Innomediaries in Albania: Co-Production of knowledge and research that matters”
- Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project “University to Society Collaborations for Inclusive Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans” (U2SID) (2023-2025)
- Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans Education
- European Remembrance
- Extras
- Food and Religion in Tirana Project
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Hacking participation in the Balkans
- Home
- IPA Cross border: Micro enterprise development project for women in the cross-border area
- Members
- News
- Preparatory activity- Kick Off Meeting and communication strategy
- Preparatory activity: Selection of participants for the YOU-WB project
- Prevention of social disintegration through art and crafts
- Print Media Monitoring of the Local Government Elections of 2015
- Program Portofolio
- Projekti: “Kultura e kujtesës dhe e ardhmja Europiane e të rinjve shqiptarë”
- The Eating City platform – ‘Food Safety & Sustainability in Emerging Countries’
- Tirana Conference
- We Sign for Jobs
- Widgets
- Workshop 1. Tirana, April 9-11, 2021
- Workshop 2. Skopje, June 18-20, 2021
- Workshop 3, Umbria, October 1-3, 2021
- Workshop 4, Paris, April 1-3, 2022
- Y-O Model
- Your Voice
- Youth Participation in Digital Democracy: From Digital Skills to Digital Rights of Youth with Fewer Opportunities in the Western Balkans (EYDR)
- “Diversity and Inclusivity in Youth Leadership: Empowerment through Innovation”
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