The Eating City platform – ‘Food Safety & Sustainability in Emerging Countries’

Funded by Risteco Consortium – Terre Citoyenne, co-financed by the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Advancement of People (FPH) and the Municipality of Tirana

Eating City is a multi-year program of activities that seeks to create opportunities of international meeting, in Europe, China, USA and Africa, to elaborate several case studies in multiple dimensions (Ecadim) and a series of publications with concrete proposals useful for public and private decision makers working upstream and downstream of the food chain and also for food industry and food service operators and buyers.

In the framework of the Eating City programme, QSKN organized a two-day event (June 13-14, 2014) related to Food safety and Food Sustainability in European Emerging Countries, including the Balkan countries. QSKN brought together stakeholders to work out pragmatic proposals addressed to public and private Decision Makers of the agro-alimentary sector and catering industries in order to build a new economic paradigm, putting human labour at the centre of the economy, and sustainability among the key variables of enterprises.

For more

The Eating City REPORT