The Needs Assessment Survey of Digital Literacies in U2SID Partner Universities report

Here comes a great report!
Key insights to pave the way for inclusive digital transformation in Western Balkans.
The Needs Assessment Survey of Digital Literacies in U2SID Partner Universities report presents key recommendations for evidence informed interventions in digital literacy programs, emphasizing infrastructure enhancement, optimized library access, robust training, curricular adaptation, and continuous engagement. We have wrapped up an evaluation of digital literacies across partner universities in Albania and Montenegro in the framework of U2SID Project project! From November to December 2023, we successfully captured data of proficiency in digital literacies from lecturers, students, and stakeholders, uncovering key insights to pave the way for inclusive digital transformation in Western Balkans.
The Needs Assessment Survey of Digital Literacies in U2SID Partner Universities report presents key recommendations for evidence informed interventions in digital literacy programs, emphasizing infrastructure enhancement, optimized library access, robust training, curricular adaptation, and continuous engagement.
This report is pivotal in shaping the strategies of the Digital Literacies Accelerator Programme and the Digital Transformation Challenge.

You can access the full report here 

Stay tuned as we continue to drive digital literacies forward in the Western Balkan

CCIS leads the monitoring and evaluation process for the ERASMUS + CBHE, USIA project

On 14/06/2022, in the framework of WP7 – Quality Assurance, Mediterranean University of Albania (MUA) held an online meeting with The Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) and Center for Comparative and International Studies (CCIS), which are the leaders of this WP. Part of this meeting was also Mrs. Suela Topi, the external evaluator.
👉The partners discussed on the importance of monitoring and evaluation of the project as they have created all the means to monitor every activity of the project. Their next task is to design an evaluation template for the upcoming workshop of Belgrade. The partners agreed to design a questionnaire for the managers and attendees of different activities of the project, in order to deliver it to them nearly the end of the project, so that they can provide their feedback for the overall U-SIA project.

Ne prag te takimeve orientuese me te rinjte

Se shpejti….21 janar 2022

Aktivistët rinor të Tiranës, Korçës dhe Shkodrës janë gati për të nisur punën në projekt! #CCIS, Scidev dhe ESN Tirana organizojnë takimin orientues me të rinjtë të cilët përgjatë këtyre muajve do të mund të mbështeten në hartimin dhe zbatimin e ideve të tyre për aktivizëm lokal.
“Nga fjala tek veprimi – Aktivizim për punën rinore përmes inovacionit dhe krijimtarisë” është një tjetër mundësi për të rinjtë, financuar nga thirrja e parë për projekt-propozime e Agjencia Kombetare e Rinise AKR, #AKR.
Ky projekt synon fuqizimin e të rinjve të Tiranës, Korçës dhe Shkodrës përmes zhvillimit të aftësive bashkëkohore lidhur me inovacionin dhe krijimtarine