HPiB Project
Hacking Participation in the Balkans – Innovative ways of empowering Balkans youth to impact policy making processes – (HPiB) is a project financed by Regional Youth Cooperation Council (RYCO) in the first call for proposals “A better region starts with youth” under priority area 2: Active participation and social inclusion.
The leader of the project is the Center for Comparative and International Studies (Tirana, Albania) in partnership with Center for Education Policy (Belgrade, Serbia).
Hacking Participation in the Balkans – Innovative ways of empowering Balkans youth to impact policy making processes – (HPiB) is a project financed by Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in the first call for proposals “A better region starts with youth” under priority area 2: Active participation and social inclusion.
The leader of the project is the Center for Comparative and International Studies (Tirana, Albania) in partnership with Center for Education Policy (Belgrade, Serbia).
The project duration is from 04th June 2018 to 03rd February 2019.
This project aims at empowering youth to understand what their rights are, and equipping them with the necessary tools and skills to reach out to institutions on issues of interest to them.
The project will work with youth in Albania and Serbia, and it will help young people understand that their peers from across the Western Balkans face the same issues, and it will equip them with knowledge and skills to tackle such issues, while also contributing to the systematic lowering of barriers between them.
The project will achieve its aim through a continuous learning process and mentoring programme on participation in decision making though digital mobility. The project activities are:
Workshops – Key competences for active participation and impact on policy processes. This includes key competences for lifelong learning such as communication, digital competences, social and civic competences.
Study visits – Participation and the use of digital tools to enhance participation amongst youth.
Hackathon – Innovative ways of empowering Balkans youth to impact policy making processes.
An online platform will be setup, where project youth teams can communicate with each other, share information, and prepare for the hackathon.
The project values digital mobility as an innovative and important tools for youth participation. The project will offer a combination of physical and digital mobility, so young people can meet in person in their communities and continue working together after returning back home.
We believe that the digital mobility dimension, also will contribute to engaging other young people from the Western Balkans 6, not only the direct beneficiaries of the project.
Project partner in Belgrade, Serbia is the Centre for Education Policy: http://www.cep.edu.rs/eng
Project affiliated partner in Tirana, Albania is Professional College of Tirana: http://kolegjiprofesional.edu.al/web/?lang=en
This project is funded by Regional Youth Cooperation Office: www.rycowb.org
CCIS is supported by RYCO. The content of this information sheet is the sole responsibility of CCIS and does not necessarily present the views of RYCO.