Project : Diagnosing corruption in public procurement: Auditing decision making within Public Procurement review system

QSKN organizoi ditën e sotme datë 24 Nëntor 2017 një tryezë të rrumbullakët mbi korrupsionin në Shqipëri. Ky fenomen po haset gjerësisht në çdo institucion, ndaj në konferencë u diskutua më konkretisht mbi mekanizmat për ta mposhtur atë. Ketrina Çabiri, eksperte, i njohu pjesëmarrësit me disa gjetje të rëndësishme që janë kryer mbi korrupsionin në Prokurimet Publike. Ndër të ftuarit ishte edhe Redion Qirjazi, Researcher. Ai i mundësoi pjesëmarrësve të njiheshin më gjerësisht me mënyrën e funksionimit të Ligjit të Ri të Prokurimeve Publike, si dhe çështjes së Auditit të Brendshëm. Studimet e prezantuara gjatë këtij sesioni janë kryer në kuadër të projektit të mbështetur financiarisht nga Programi i Granteve të Vogla i Komisionit për Demokraci i Ambasadës së SHBA-së në Tiranë.

Grant :

USA Embassy Tirana

Grant Recipient :

Diagnosing corruption in public procurement: Auditing decision making within Public Procurement review system

Executive Director :

Juljana Sokoli

Name of Organization :

Center for Comparative International Studies

Address :

Rruga Elbasanit, Pallati FILIPEU 2/4E, TIRANE, ALBANIA

Tel :

+355 672872736

E-mail :

[email protected]

Web :

Executive Summary Paragraph :

The integrity of the public procurement process is best assured when the allocation of resources occurs in conditions of open competition and where mechanisms exist to monitor the government agents in charge of the process and check that their decisions reflect nothing but the relative merits of competing bidders (Munir Podumljak and Elizabeth David-Barrett, 2015). Thus, this problem is concerned with how institutions constrain corrupt behavior of official individuals when they are exposed to complex interest of business groups. The project also delineates reasons for agents to conduct collusion and corrupt behavior, as rational actors. This project will provide a clear and systematic analyzes under a methodology (activity plan) which allows for hidden actions and inactions to be uncovered to become subject of analyses and displayed for the public opinion. In this project the unit of analyses is the decision making of PPC officials, the firms which have been awarded the contract after PPC decision as well as the institutional relations among public bodies within Public Procurement Review System in Albania (PPRS). The target groups are the Governmental Institutions such as: Public Procurement Commission, Prime Minister Office; Economic Operators that have submitted a complaint to PPC; Judges and Prosecutors who have dealt with a PP Review Decision..