CCIS and Mesdheu Center on Dec 19, 2018 had another training session with the startup group of women in Elbasan on the topic “How to test a business idea and what are the steps of testing a successful business idea”

The aim of this session is to help participants learning how to test a successful business idea on the desk, before starting it in the real market. This means we are in the stage that someone has an idea of entrepreneurship and will try to reveal the probability of success for this idea. By applying step by step the test methodology, participants learn who is the potential client of the suggested activity, what product or service do replace or complete this business in the market, how should/ can be presented this idea to others, and how much will the others will trust it, what are the financing needs and where to find them etc.

We live in a period when the innovation and the globalization phenomena play a crucial role in the increase of types of products and services presented and even provided in the markets all over the world. From this viewpoint, many business ideas can be based on similar products offered by competitors, while the challenge is to provide them for the targeted customers with the accepted price and in due time. From the other side, in every country there are specific needs that can be detected locally and fulfilled by solutions locally provided. Such needs can be addressed and turned in demand, taking advantage of the first provider in the market, with all the positive effects it has. This reasoning can expand the range of ideas, which can be combined with the capabilities and be transformed into realizable activities.   Consecutive analysis of the suggested activity as well as the analysis of the market demand for the product/ service, enables utilization of measurable procedures for assessing the probability of success. The topic, besides teaching participants to think as entrepreneurs, also provides the opportunity to evidence the knowledge that they have in the field and how to put them in practice. This is considered a simple method to help the decision making for establishing a business.

Startup training’s- Development of business ideas and construction of a business plan with women in Elbasan

The Center for Comparative and International Studies(CCIS) and Qendra Mesdheu (QM) have started the trainings and advising the selected group of women to participate in the program “Development of business ideas and construction of a business plan with women in Elbasan” part of the project IPA cross boarder project Macedonia- Albania: “Development of micro-enterprises of women in the cross-border area” funded by EU Delegation In Macedonia.

Increasing the participation of women in the labor market is crucial from the economic point of view in Albania and Macedonia in order to achieve a higher employment rate in our countries, as part of a region in advancement towards the bigger continental market.

The reference to the employment policy context is also closely related to the common objectives for equality between women and men, considered geographically and politically in the European framework. Such reference provides our project with the necessary theoretical background for the assessment of the existing situation. It permits to have it as an underpinning and incites to take advantage of known and tested pathways for achievement of specific goals. We do refer to concrete actions that have been proposed for addressing several issues related to both strategies, such as the economic independence of women and equality in decision-making.

We have appraised all the initiatives, in the regional and local level, especially those social packages that have reaffirmed the importance of fostering higher participation of women. The role of European Commission remains crucial, with its policy framework highlighting that gender gaps in employment rates, as well as other gender disparities in the labor market, need to be reduced or eliminated to decrease the risk of social exclusion and poverty among women and to achieve inclusive growth.

The above introduction has been done during our trainings in Elbasan (Dec 5, and Dec 12, 2018)  with the intention to recognize the vast and most recent experiences, and additionally to adapt the suggested methods and instruments for stimulation of entrepreneurial spirit among women in Elbasan region.

Topic I – Why Do We Do a Business? What is the entrepreneur’s psychology?

This helped the participants to get acquainted with the motives that stimulate individuals to choose the “profession” of the entrepreneur. The analysis started with the main human needs in a market economy and goes on with description and explanation of the psychological factors, that usually prevent people from starting a venture. In most cases there are fear, difficult risk-taking and lack of self-esteem that become main obstacles to start a business. Consequently, it was helpful for the participants to be familiar with the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs, understand that entrepreneurship is a process that is accomplished by applying a certain methodology, utilizing the knowledge and lived experience, through elaboration of original ideas and above all through acting and taking risk.


Topic II – Characteristics of the entrepreneur and the necessary steps to become an entrepreneur.

This topic was dedicated to five basic characteristics of the entrepreneurs. Every entrepreneur in his activity generally sets out clearly what he / she wants, who will be and how it will realize this. They are people that passionately seek out new opportunities and pursue opportunities with enormous discipline. They might focus on execution, specifically, adaptive execution and are apt to engage the energies of everyone in their domain. Many of these people are naturally born with such characteristics, while many others develop them during their activity for business development. They pursue only the very best opportunities and avoid chasing after every option.

By analyzing these elements, the participants got the understandinng that the entrepreneur himself develops together with the business, learns from his growth and feels the pleasure of what he/she is doing. Through this the individual learns what steps are necessary to undertake a venture (a business) and what are the management secrets that an entrepreneur must know in order to begin thinking as an investor.

We will continue our training program, and keep our audience aupdated

HPiB Workshop and study visit in Belgrade

In the framework of the project “Hacking Participation in the Balkans -Innovative ways of empowering Balkans youth to impact policy making processes”, the first workshop and study visit was organised in Belgrade on 29th and 30th November by our partner Center for Educational Policies. The workshop and study visit was organised as a combination of meetings with policy makers on youth and regional policies as well as training sessions on topics related to youth participation.

The first visit was to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. We had the pleasure to meet with the State Secretary of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development, Ana Langović Milicević and Marina Hasanović, Senior Advisor and Head of Department for Student & Pupil Standard. They talked about the educational system in Serbia, relevant achievements and challenges.  A second meeting was with Stefana Miladinović, who serves in the National Assembly of Serbia from 2014. She talked a bit about the making of the National Assembly and its history. She also talked about the legislation, decision-making process, youth participation and examples of good practice in Serbia.

The youth from Albania and Serbia then continued to Share Square Hub, a multifunctional physical space where you can share your knowledge, skills and ideas similarly to the way you do on social media. There we had workshop with two students Zvezdana Vuletić and Antonina Marin, who shared their experiences as young and proactive students in student organisations. After that we had a short visit from Vladimir Bozovic, who is President Vučić’s Advisor for regional cooperation with religious communities.

On the second day the HPiB youth visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where they met with Pavle Jankovic,  Head of Department for Regional Initiatives. They had an open discussion with him about participation, the true meaning of it and the tools to achieve it. The last visit was at ICT Hub, where the whole afternoon HPiB youth had lectures with our mentors Orkidea, Tijana and Dusan. Their main topics where participation, decision making process, key competencies to achieve participation, and digital participation of youth.

Forming of groups, personal interviews with young start-up business women and women entrepreneurs in Elbasan

“Micro enterprise development project for women in the cross border area”, a project “Cross-border Programme the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Albania under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) for 2014 & 2015 has entered a very intensive and interesting part of its implementation.
Mesdheu Center and CCIS Project team  prepared the questions for the groups of participants ” to be part of the training” on the base of identified similarities, interests and previous skills, This screening was undertaken through smaller groups with interested candidates in order to map the biggest challenges and form the appropriate groups for improvement. All of the identified needs will be encircled around 6 relevant topics for improvement and building of the skills and competences of the target groups for adequate start-up and restart up.
 Parallel to this activity, the process of programming and preparation of curricula conducted by Mesdheu Center is been  tailored  in order to respond to the needs for each of the identified groups with specific focus: competence building, business development, business management, risk mitigation, financial planning, financial management etc. These will be the specific topics that will be covered with the program starting from December 5th 2018..
There will be all in total 6 experts engaged under the developed curricula  providing of 12 workshops and guiding the candidates through the processes of generating and testing the business ideas and further support the women to build competences and establish the business.

HPiB Project presented at the University of Belgrade

Our project partner in Serbia, Center for Education Policy (CEP), has organised three project presentations at the University of Belgrade in October and November 2018, namely at:  Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences and Faculty of Philosophy. They reached a total of 30 students. They presented the HPiB project idea and its main activities. They provided them all information about our HPiB project, all the dates, what they would be doing on this project and why experience on this project would be very valuable for them in future.

CEP representatives talked with students about participation of students in Serbia, and the most common belief was that students are mostly not driven enough to try to participate, or when they have the drive they simply lack information on how to achieve any kind of participation. This sparked interesting discussions and ideas for project workshops.

HPiB Project is funded by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office.

HPiB Project presented at the European University of Tirana

Our project “Hacking Participation in Balkans – Innovative ways of empowering Balkans youth to impact policy making processes” – (HPiB) was presented to students at the European University of Tirana on 1 November 2018 by our project coordinator Mrs Erida Curraj and our mentor, Mrs Orkidea Xhaferaj.

They introduced participants to how we are working with young people in Albania and Serbia to increase participation in policy making and fostering digital mobility as a long-term cooperation tool among WB6 youth. About 12 young people were part of the presentation as well as staff from the Internal Relations Unit. The presentation included also a brief introduction to RYCO and the opportunities offered for young people. In addition, during the Q&A session, our project team provided advice and guidance to students regarding project applications and youth activism.

HPiB Project presented to European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

Orkidea Xhaferaj, one of the mentors of our HPiB project, presented the project to Mrs Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and to Mrs Senida Mesi, Deputy Prime Minister of Republic of Albania during their visit to the Professional College of Tirana Laboratories on 13 November 2018.

Mrs Gabriel, Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, visited Tirana in the framework of the EU Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans and had high level meetings with the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Energy. She also visited ADISA, the integrated service delivery centre in Tirana and the Professional College of Tirana, as a higher education institution with state of the art technology laboratories.

During her visit to Professional College of Tirana Mrs Senida Mesi, Deputy Prime Minister of Republic of Albania, accompanied her. They both talked to Mrs Xhaferaj regarding the potential of HPiB project and how it helps to promote digital mobility in the Western Balkans 6. In addition, they explored ideas for the future sustainability of the project and highlighted the importance of digital skills for youth in WB6.

HPiB project is funded by Regional Youth Cooperation Office.

Call for Applications, Project Coordinator IPA CBC Macedonia-Albania

The Center for Comparative and International Studies  for the needs of the project implementation “Microenterprise development project for women in the cross-border area” funded from the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union to Albania, Project number: IPA/2016/152956-2/23. is seeking for an individual in the position of Project Coordinator.
Individuals interested should submit a completed CV and letter of interest to be sent by E-mail at [email protected]   and cc : [email protected]   to arrive before 20th November 2018.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted to proceed to the second stage of the selection process.

Filloi zbatimi i trajnimeve dhe këshillimit për gratë dhe vajzat sipërmarrëse në Elbasan

Sot Qendra “Mesdheu” e Universitetit Mesdhetar të Shqipërisë dhe Qendra për Studime të Krahasuara dhe Ndërkombetare filluan zbatimin e njërit nga komponentët e projektit IPA CBC Maqedoni- Shqipëri ” Projekti i zhvillimit të sipërmarrjeve të vogla të grave në zonat ndërkufitare”. Projekti drejtohet nga Center for Change Mangement në Shkup.
Qendra Mesdheu dhe stafi i saj profesionist gjatë zbatimit të projektit kanë përgjegjësinë e trainimit të 50 grave e vajzave që duan të fillojnë një biznes dhe 25 gra e vajza të tjeta që tashmë kanë një biznes e duan ta zhvillojnë më tej atë.
Profesorët e UMSH- ekspert të zhvillimit të start-up dhe re-startup, përzgjatë një viti do ti këshillojnë, ti mentorojnë gratë e vajzat në qytetin e Elbasanit deri në realizimin me sukses të biznes planeve me qëllim regjistrimin e biznesit dhe zhvillimin e planeve të investimit.
Fillon kështu  një projekt i rëndësishëm në ndihmë të nismave sipërmarrëse të grave e vajzave në Elbasan për ti fuqizuar ato, …dhe jo vetëm ekonomikisht, por realizimi i një marrëdhënie të qëndrueshme e Universitetit dhe Biznesit, që ushqehet e rritet si model zhvillimi për brezat e studentëve që studiojnë çdo ditë në Universitetin Mesdhetar të Shqipërisë.

HPiB Project presented at the Professional College of Tirana

Our project “Hacking Participation in Balkans – Innovative ways of empowering Balkans youth to impact policy making processes” – (HPiB) was presented to students at the Professional College of Tirana on 18 October 2018 by our project coordinator Mrs Erida Curraj and our mentor, Mrs Orkidea Xhaferaj.

They introduced participants to how we are working with young people in Albania and Serbia to increase participation in policy making and fostering digital mobility as a long-term cooperation tool among WB6 youth. About 20 young people were part of the presentation as well as academic staff from the college. The presentation included also a brief introduction to RYCO and the opportunities offered for young people. In addition, during the Q&A session, our project team provided advice and guidance to students regarding project applications and youth activism.