Forming of groups, personal interviews with young start-up business women and women entrepreneurs in Elbasan

“Micro enterprise development project for women in the cross border area”, a project “Cross-border Programme the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Albania under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) for 2014 & 2015 has entered a very intensive and interesting part of its implementation.
Mesdheu Center and CCIS Project team  prepared the questions for the groups of participants ” to be part of the training” on the base of identified similarities, interests and previous skills, This screening was undertaken through smaller groups with interested candidates in order to map the biggest challenges and form the appropriate groups for improvement. All of the identified needs will be encircled around 6 relevant topics for improvement and building of the skills and competences of the target groups for adequate start-up and restart up.
 Parallel to this activity, the process of programming and preparation of curricula conducted by Mesdheu Center is been  tailored  in order to respond to the needs for each of the identified groups with specific focus: competence building, business development, business management, risk mitigation, financial planning, financial management etc. These will be the specific topics that will be covered with the program starting from December 5th 2018..
There will be all in total 6 experts engaged under the developed curricula  providing of 12 workshops and guiding the candidates through the processes of generating and testing the business ideas and further support the women to build competences and establish the business.
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