The CCIS team participates in the International Workshop of U2SID Project.

The U2SID Project CCIS project team had the opportunity to participate in the International Workshop “Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans’ Higher Education Institutions” organized by Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy from July 3-5, 2025.


This event was held within the framework of the COWEB Erasmus+ CBHE EU-funded project- coordinated by Epoka University, which aims to build capacities in the Western Balkan Higher Education Institutions by implementing strategies that promote digital transformation in education. The U2SID project- coordinated by University of Shkodra aligns with this goal by fostering inclusive digital transformation through increased collaboration between universities and other stakeholders, including businesses, policymakers, civil society, and the media.


The U2SID project supports the development and uptake of digital skills to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive digital transformation. This workshop provided a valuable opportunity for CCIS as U2SID partner to share and disseminate the U2SID project experience with colleagues from the COWEB project-both of which are Erasmus EU-funded initiatives.


This dissemination activity aligns with one of U2SID’s objectives: to raise awareness about the importance of inclusive digitalization. Engaging in such international collaborations enhances our collective efforts to make digital advancements accessible to all sectors of society.


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