CCIS Joins NECE Prep-Lab in Tirana!

On June 18-19, 2024, CCIS had the privilege of participating in the Networking European Civic Education (NECE) festival prep-lab in Tirana. Together with local stakeholders and partners, we delved into essential topics such as #civiceducation, #youthengagement, #creativeindustries, and the unique challenges faced in the #WesternBalkans.
Here are some key takeaways from our discussions:
1. Civic Education:*We emphasized the importance of cross-border and cross-sector collaboration to enhance civic education and democratic participation.
2. Empowering Youth: We explored the complexities of engaging young people in cultural and innovative projects, highlighting issues like low participation rates, high emigration, and regional mobility challenges. Stronger links between formal and informal education, local belonging, and addressing distrust in institutions were key points.
3. Policy and Reform: New policies and reforms are crucial to support youth programs and artistic endeavors. We called for critical self-reflection, respectful disagreement, and cross-sector collaboration to tackle shared challenges in the creative industries.
4. Environmental Challenges: Significant issues like #wastemanagement, #recycling, and #deforestation require systematic work and collaboration. Creating incentives and readiness to invest in environmental protection are essential steps forward.
5. Digital and Media Literacy: In our post-truth era, #medialiteracy should be integrated into education as a cross-cutting topic. Shared #emotionalintelligence can enhance engagement and interest.
6. Brain Drain: High emigration rates, especially among the educated, highlight the need for initiatives to empower teachers, support the Roma community, integrate inclusiveness in education, and foster return migration.
The exchange of ideas and experiences at the Lab underscored our shared challenges and the pressing need for innovative, collaborative solutions.
The event was a great opportunity for CCIS to share and disseminate the work done with the implementation of our currently EU-funded projects like U2SID Project, #Digitcreshe, #digitcreshe #EYDR and Youth Observer Model- YO- Model #ErasmusPlus
The #NECEFestival, led by the Civic Innovation Hub in partnership with #SCIDEV, provides a platform for visionary thinkers to present bold ideas for the future.
One of NECE’s most exciting formats is its annual #festival, gathering actors from across Europe and beyond. This year, from November 14-17, the festival will focus on the topic of #BORDERS and will take place in the vibrant city of #Tirana, Albania.
Preparations are in full swing!
Stay tuned for more updates and join us in shaping the future!

CCIS Participance on the Second IGCOORD Conference

The team of CCIS was pleased to participate on the Second IGCOORD Conference on “Vertical and Horizontal Coordination: Tools, Mechanisms, and Barriers to Solving Complex Policy Issues”. The conference was held from 13 to 14 June 2024, at the Darmstadt Castle, also known as Technische Universität of Darmstadt.

In addition to the latter mentioned, CCIS research work dealt also with the COST Association, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.

Below, you will find a few snapshots of the conference, and for more updates feel free to follow our work and news.

Midterm Evaluation Report Delivery for U2SID Project.

In late May, CCIS delivered the mid-term evaluation report for the Erasmus + CBHE U2SID Project project. The report was presented during a project steering committee meeting. The findings highlight the project’s significant contributions to improving digital literacy among students and lecturers in Albanian higher education institutions (HEIs), aligning with national priorities and European standards.
Key Highlights:
Relevance: The project addresses critical digital literacy needs in Albanian HEIs, leveraging EU expertise to align with national and European standards. The Needs Assessment Survey underscores the project’s alignment with the target audience.
Effectiveness: Efficient project management and careful planning ensure smooth cooperation and task distribution. Regular monitoring and adjustments promote inclusive participation, with comprehensive research validating outcomes.
Efficiency: Budgeting and financial management are handled with care, supported by effective monitoring, evaluation, and learning mechanisms. Active communication and dissemination enhance knowledge sharing and visibility.
Sustainability: The project adopts a long-term approach to sustain digital literacy skills beyond its lifespan, fostering long-term collaboration through clear roles and responsibilities.
Impact: The project significantly boosts the capacities of Albanian HEIs in digital literacy, with research providing valuable insights for future initiatives. Positive feedback and engagement on social media highlight its tangible impact on target audiences.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance digital literacy and foster innovation in Albania and Europe!