Access to market linkages and promotion

There are many young women that have the courage and the strong will to realize their dreams, to create, produce and sell their products, and thus earn for themselves and provide existence for their families. These initiatives need a careful support, business assistance and financial means. In order to meet the practical needs of existing women entrepreneurs, and to encourage other women in business. Therefore, the project #micro enterprise development project for women in the cross-boarder area will encounter three types of support: (1) building of skills and competences of women for business management, (2) providing legal and economic support services for potential start-ups, but also dissemination of administrative information about duties and taxes, role of inspections, rights and obligations in doing business, on major type of economic disputes etc. and (3) providing of business advisory services for economic development and increased competitiveness at the market.
The project will relate specifically to existing companies in order to assist them in finding #accesstomarket, increase production, marketing and sale, find business partners and increase also #accesstofinance tailored-made support of women entrepreneurship.



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