“Youth Participation in Digital Democracy: From Digital Skills to Digital Rights of Youth with Fewer Opportunities in the Western Balkans”

New project!
New challenges!
New partnership!
Thank you Scidev!
We are thrilled to share with you our newest endeavor in enhancing digital rights in Albania, Montenegro,
Serbia and Spain: “Youth Participation in Digital Democracy: From Digital Skills to Digital Rights of Youth
with Fewer Opportunities in the Western Balkans” #EYDR.
#EYDR will engage, connect and empower young people in the digital world, through developing their
digital skills and raising awareness about their digital rights with an approach that balances protection
and participation so they can fully participate in the digital democracy.
The project will foster national and regional innovative alliances with media and youth, universities and
public authorities to raise awareness, network, and encourage policy dialogue.
#EYDR is led by Scidev in partnership with:
Belgrade Center For Human Rights
Center for Comparative and Internationa Studies CCIS
Erasmus Student Network AL
Agjencia Kombetare e Rinise
UZOR Association for Responsible and Sustainable Development
Share Foundation
EYDR is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the Europian Union
Stay tuned for updates!
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