The COST Action “Comparative Research on the Executive Triangle in Europe (CoREx)”

Today in Brussels, CCIS participated in the kick-off meeting as the Committee member for the COST Action “The Action Comparative Research on the Executive Triangle in Europe (CoREx). The Center for Comparative and International Studies is a dedicated participant in advancing Albania’s European integration journey. Our European Vision is a comprehensive, multifaceted process that enriches our society, fosters collaboration, and enhances research capabilities. We prioritise strengthening connections with European research networks and institutions, actively partnering with prestigious organisations and universities across various domains, including social sciences, technology, sustainability, and innovation. As part of this mission, we are proud to be a member of COST Action “The Action Comparative Research on the Executive Triangle in Europe (CoREx),” supported by the EU. This initiative critically examines the relationships among executive politicians, top civil servants, and ministerial advisers—the executive triangle—from a global comparative perspective, addressing a critical knowledge gap that affects democratic governance’s core components, including the legitimacy of political decisions and the government’s capacity to tackle complex policy challenges. Our contribution to systematic comparative knowledge of the executive triangle is a significant step towards a better understanding of democratic governance, especially in challenging times.






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