Dita Ndërkombëtare e Personave me Aftësi Ndryshe

CCIS  dhe ANAD promovuan projektin e tyre ” We sign for Jobs” ne diten nderkombetare te personave me Aftesi ndryshe

Sipas Organizatës Botërore të Shëndetësisë, më shumë se një bilion njerëz në të gjithë botën jetojnë me aftësi të kufizuar. Këta persona, përgjithësisht, kanë më shumë probleme shëndetësore, mundësi më të pakta ekonomike, edukim dhe arritje akademike më të ulëta. Kjo ndodh më së shumti për shkak të barrierave me të cilat ata përballen në jetën e tyre të përditshme, se sa si rrjedhojë ekskluzive e aftësisë së kufizuar.
Aftësia e kufizuar nuk është thjesht një çështje e shëndetit publik, por gjithashtu e të drejtave të njeriut dhe zhvillimit të shoqërisë. Përpjekjet e OBSH-së për të mbështetur shtetet në aspekte të ndryshme, reflektohen në Planin e Veprimit për Personat me Aftësi të Kufizuar 2014-2021, në Raportin Botëror për Aftësinë e Kufizuar, si dhe në Konventën e të Drejtave për Personat me Aftësi të Kufizuar.
Dita Ndërkombëtare e Personave me Aftësi të Kufizuar (3 dhjetor), u vendos me Rezolutën 47/3 në Asamblenë e Përgjithshme të Kombeve të Bashkuara.
Qëllimi i kësaj dite është promovimi i të drejtave, mirëqenies, si dhe rritja e ndërgjegjësimit lidhur me situatën e personave me aftësi të kufizuar në të gjitha sferat e shoqërisë dhe aspektet e zhvillimit – jetës politike, sociale, ekonomike dhe kulturore.
Konventa e të Drejtave të Personave me Aftësi të Kufizuar, e ndërtuar përgjatë disa dekadave të punës së Kombeve të Bashkuara dhe përshtatur në vitin 2008, ka përparuar edhe më shumë me implementimin e Agjendës për Zhvillimin e Qëndrueshëm 2030, dhe dokumenteve të tjera të ngjashme.




University to society collaborations in Albania- presentation of the research

#SCiDEV and USIA: Co-Production of knowledge and research that matters hosted yesterday the hybrid event University to society collaborations in Albania – Presentation of Findings – USIA Erasmus+. The entire study lies in the idea of the repositioning role of universities in society.
Building on its experience, given that SCiDEV works in the intersection of research and development, we hope and commit to promote further the model of quadruple helix in Albania.
The study argues also that this model should be strengthened further and universities must span their boundaries and the future of universities is ‘engaged universities’ in contemporary challenges.
Happy to see that the partners and stakeholders confirmed the same committment to the quadruple helix.
Read the full report here and share your thoughts with us in comments below
May be an image of 6 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor
May be an image of 9 people and people standing
May be an image of 4 people, people standing, people sitting, indoor and text that says 'ROGNER HOTEL'

ANAD dhe CCIS marrin pjese ne takimin konsultues tek Ministria e Financave dhe Ekonomise

“we SIGN for JOBS” projekti i zbatuar nga CCIS dhe ANAD, Mbeshtetur nga Programi i Granteve te Vogla per Demokraci i Ambasades se Shteteve te Bashkuara ne Tirane, ishte pjese e takimit konsultues qe Ministria e Financave dhe Ekonomise zhvilloi me të gjithë aktorët e angazhuar për gjithëpërfshirjen e personave me aftësi të kufizuara në fushën e arsimit dhe formimit profesional dhe integrimin e tyre në tregun e punës.
Ministria e Financave dhe Ekonomisë në bashkëpunim me projektin “Zhvillimi i Aftësive për Punësim” i zbatuar nga PNUD Shqipëri, me mbështetjen e qeverisë zvicerane, kanë ndërmarrë një studim për vlerësimin e situatës së gjithëpërfshirjes së nxënësve me aftësi të kufizuara në arsimin e mesëm profesional.
Duke marrë në konsideratë kompleksitetin e sistemit të AFP-së dhe sfidat e barrierat, me të cilat përballen nxënësit me aftësi të kufizuara, ky studim kishte si qëllim kryesor të analizonte situatën e tyre në këtë sistem dhe të paraqesë rekomandime për ndërhyrje në kuadaktivitetitrin ligjor, dhe prezantimin e përmirësimin e kulturave dhe praktikave gjithëpërfshirëse.

Third YOU-WB Workshop in Rome – Italian Political Culture since 1989

Peripli Association, the YOU-WB partner in Italy, organized the third workshop in Rome in the framework of Europe for Citizen Project “Youth involvement in a constructive dialogue: Communist Past in Contemporary Western Balkan” (YOU-WB). In a blended format from 01st to 03rd October 2021, this workshop brought together 60 participants: young people, academics, researchers, experts, and civil society activists from Italy, North Macedonia, Albania, and France to discuss the involvement of youth in a constructive dialogue regarding the past focusing on the political culture in Italy since 1989.

In addition to the two days of the workshop, presentation by speakers, and participation of young people, the third day included a virtual visit to the Museum Resistance in Rome.

The first day opened with a welcome video on Italy, and a wide introduction by Prof. Maria Donzelli, President of Peripli and coordinator of the Italian team, who recalled the fundamental values of democracy in Italy, due to the Resistance to Fascism and to the Constitutional Charter, still in force, but underlined the difficulties for maintaining democracy in a country marked by many difficulties.

The intervention of prof. Paolo Mancini focused on the theme “Turbulence, Volatility and Polarization: Italian culture since 1989”. Dr. Rosa Fioravante instead emphasized the theme “Democracy as Ideology: From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the fall of liberalism”.

After extensive discussion, the meeting ended with the song “Bella ciao”, song in 9 languages and which has become a symbol of resistance all over the world.

The second day opened with a video of Giorgio Gaber’s song, “Freedom” and, after an introduction to the day’s work by Dr. Rita Felerico, Vice President of Peripli, saw protagonists, especially the young people of our Association. The meeting was divided into 2 workshops. The first, led by Dr. Loredana Cornero, dedicated to “The evolution of large mass parties in Italy since ’89”, accompanied by cards, videos, welcomed a significant testimony of the journalist dr. Martina Lalovic on “The question of identities and strong emigrations from the Balkan Region”.

The second workshop, led by prof. Beatrice Sica, dedicated to “The current situation of democracy in Italy and its role between the EU and the Mediterranean Region”, also accompanied by cards and videos, welcomed the intervention of prof. Antonio Tursi on the theme “Parties to the digital challenge: between Participation and Partecipationism”.

The day ended with a broad discussion on the proposed topics, a concluding speech by prof. Maria Donzelli on the challenges that await us and the song “Viva l’Italia” by Francesco De Gregori and Lucio Dalla.

The third day was dedicated to a virtual visit to the Museum of the Resistance in Rome.

Full Programme

Workshop report

“Youth involvement in a constructive dialogue: Communist Past in Contemporary Western Balkans” (YOU-WB) project is supported by European Union in the framework of Europe for Citizens, European Remembrance strand and led by Center for Comparative and International Studies.

“We SIGN for JOBS” project- Creating synergies with other projects

CCIS in joint activities, together with #ANAD, #austriandevelopment agency, Municipality of Tirana and experts, creating synergies of the project “We SIGN for JOBS” with similar projects leaded by organizations and institutions working with and for people with disabilities and those advocating for human rights in Albania.
We had a fruitful discussion with the deaf community about their needs and opportunities for employment. Unemployment among Deaf and hard hearing people in Albania is considered one of the main problems. 61% of deaf people in Albania (ANAD & INSTAT 2016) are unemployed, a figure higher than other disability groups, or for the group defined as completely unable to in the geneneral population (2011 Census). Despite the Law 15/2019 ““On employment promotion” and UN CRPD ratification there is a lack of successful state effort in Albania to integrate Deaf into the open labor market
This partnership intends not only to ensure employment for the deaf community but fundraising also, encourage local support and create successful examples of such involvements.
Austrian Development Agency
#wesignforjobs a project supported from the Comission of Small Grants for Democracy Program @U.S.Embassy-Tirana

May be an image of one or more peopleMay be an image of one or more people and people standingMay be an image of one or more people and people standing

WE sign for Jobs- Project Kick off meeting on the International Day of Sign Languages

CCIS and ANAD, in the framework of the “International Week of Deaf People” September 23-30, 2021 and on the day of “International Day of Sign Languages” in collaboration with COD, Center for Openness and Dialogue, held the kick off meeting of the project “WE SIGN FOR JOBS”.
Representatives of a number of public institutions in Albania became part of this open meeting: the Deputy Minister of Education, Sports and Youth, Mrs. Nina Guga, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection, Mrs. Bardhylka Konspiri and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination Mr. Robert Gajda, Mrs. Erjeta Alysa as well as representatives of the Regional Education Directorates in Tirana and districts.
The participants discussed about quality education for deaf people towards employment opportunities.
• Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth
• Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination
• Ministry of Finance and Economy
• Local Education Office Tirana
• National Employment and Skills Agency
• Agency for Quality Assurance of Pre-University Education
• Institute of Deaf Students
• Board member of ANAD

May be an image of one or more people, people sitting, people standing, indoor and text that says '"we SIGN forJOBS"'

May be an image of one or more people, people standing and indoor

May be an image of one or more people, people sitting, indoor and text that says 'e SIGN JOBS"'

May be an image of one or more people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

Starting a new and challenging project. We sign for Jobs

Center for Comparative and International Studies in partnership with @ANAD, starting from September 1, 2021 are implementing a new project supported by #USAEmbassy -DEMOCRACY COMMISSION SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM.
The project “we SIGN for JOBS” aims in advocating and creating employment opportunities for deaf community, targeting 120 -150 deaf young people age 18-35, in 12 districts in Albania. CCIS trainers and ANAD interpreters will work closely together with the Deaf people to inform them about employment opportunities, design simplified forms and procedures to be used by ADISA and NESA to access their employment programs, and in partnership with local Chamber of Commerce and local businesses guide the deaf people to concrete employment results. The project will also aim a synergy with similar projects leaded by organizations working with and for people with disabilities and those advocating for human rights in Albania.


CCIS is part of the project “PREVENTION OF SOCIAL DISINTEGRATION THROUGH ART AND CRAFTS” supported by #EUErasmus+ Program, Key Activity 2 “Strategic Partnerships for adult education”, leaded by #Bulgarskagordost Foundation, Bulgaria

#LigueMarocainepourlaprotectiondelenfance, Morocco;

#JaninaStopperkaZang, Netherlands;

#Zdrujeniezaunapredovanienacivilnotoopshtestvo AEKVITAS Kratovo, Macedonia


The various arts and crafts are powerful tools for non-formal learning, social engagement, activation and inclusion and a possible source for related employment opportunities. The project partners have developed their own approaches and good practices in working with their target groups (refugees, immigrants, disabled people, orphans, roma and other minorities, children, students, young people and adults in urban and rural areas, etc.) based on the art forms and methods they want to exchange with each other for the benefit of their organizations, major and vulnerable minority groups, and the societies of which they are a part.


A selected group of women artisans from Albania, part of women entrepreneur group supported during many years from #CCIS and #SHPGAZ, participated in the short-term training on methods and techniques of art and crafts, suitable for non-formal learning, social activation and social inclusion.


The training was organized from August 4-9, 2021 in Stara Zagora.


The project promotes best practices in the field of engaging, connecting and empowering people through the various arts. It is also associated with social activation and inclusion of disadvantaged / disadvantaged groups, whose representatives will be promoted and use art as a tool to promote their causes and specific interests to the general public and public opinion, thus making members they are more visible to them and show them in a positive light in society.

Agenda of the seminar


USIA project has successfully concluded the presentation of research findings

#USIA has successfully concluded the presentation of research findings at each partner #university regarding #university to #society #collaborations.
Scidev as leader of WP1 on Assessing University to Society Collaborations in Albania with its team of #researchers shared #key #findings to academics and university staff UNIVERSITETI MESDHETAR I SHQIPERISE Universiteti i Shkodrës “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Universiteti “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Universiteti Europian i Tiranës, Kolegji Profesional i Tiranës focusing on recommendations on how to enhance further the #collaboration between #research and #business, #policy, #civilsociety and #media in the #QuadrupleHelix Model
🙌 #STAYTUNED for the full report in EN and AL coming soon!

CCIS is monitoring the process and soon we will have the report….